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  • About Kuyud

    Classification of cable

    Author: Comefrom: Createdate:2018-6-25 16:43:36 Hits:42

    The cable has power cable, control cable, compensating cable, shielded cable, high temperature cable, computer cable, signal cable, coaxial cable, fire-resistant cable, ship cable, mining cable, aluminum alloy cable and so on. They are made up of single strands or multiple wires and insulating layers, which are used to connect circuits, electrical appliances, etc.

    According to the system of PV power station, cables can be divided into direct current cables and AC cables.

    1. DC cable

    (1) a series cable between components and components.

    (2) parallel cables between clusters and their series to DC distribution boxes.

    (3) the cable between the DC distribution box and the inverter.

    The above cables are all DC cables, outdoor laying more, the need to moisture-proof, anti riot, cold, heat-resistant, anti ultraviolet, some special environment also need to prevent acid and other chemical substances.

    2. AC cable

    (1) the connection cable of the inverter to the boost transformer.

    (2) connecting cable of step-up transformer to distribution device.

    (3) distribution cables to power grids or users.

    This part of the cable is an alternating current load cable, and there are more indoor environments.

    Kuyud Electrical (Suzhuo) Co., Ltd.

    Address: R6006 2# Lvbao Square, Huqiu District, Suzhou City.
    Tel: +86 512 68025806
    Fax: +86 512 65516505
    Postal Code: 215011

    Nanjing Kuyud Electrical Technology Co., Ltd.

    Address:No.5,Jiangning Road,Qinhuai District,Nanjing City.
    Tel: +86 25 52663658
    Fax: +86 25 52663758
    Postal Code:210006

    Copyright:KUYUD ELECTRICAL Record number:蘇ICP備12004786號
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