2018国产精华国产精品,97久久精品人妻人人搡人人玩,国产精品国产三级国产专区50,欧美日韩一区二区成人午夜电影,久久天天躁狠狠躁夜夜躁2012,国产精品一区二区 尿失禁,香蕉久久人人爽人人爽人人片AV,久久无码AV中文出轨人妻,色婷婷久久综合中文久久蜜桃AV,久久精品欧美日韩精品

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  • About Kuyud

    How to choose a suitable special cable manufacturer

    Author: Comefrom: Createdate:2018-6-19 15:52:48 Hits:66

    After many years of development, special cable has emerged a lot of high quality enterprises, which is represented by Shanghai Yi Chu wire and cable Co., Ltd., established in 2005, 10 years of development, technology has been fully mature, quality assurance, has been able to replace imported special cable, quality can reach import special cable more than 90% The special cable is mostly based on order type production. There is no spot, the single purchase amount is relatively small, but the technical requirements of the product are very high. At present, the main mode of payment in the industry is mainly from money to delivery. The current sales model of the industry is that the cable production enterprises spend money to promote Baidu, customers pass through Baidu search search for enterprises, because the purchase amount is relatively small, the general customer is also lazy to inspect the company does not have the ability to produce, technology is not up to the standard. So it gave many trading companies a chance. Many of them went out by themselves, spent tens of thousands of dollars to register a trading company, and then made a very beautiful website. In order to win the trust of the customers, they also lied that they were production factories, but if they looked carefully, the factory gate was obviously PS. Trace, such companies are usually in 2012, 2013, 2014 set up most, more than a middle link, traders in order to pursue profits, the quality of the inevitable no guarantee, if the quality is not good, the quality problems will flash, even more, the payment of goods does not deliver, to the vast number of customers, this loss, It is not a loss of money, because the amount of special cable is not large, mainly affecting its production cycle.

    Kuyud Electrical (Suzhuo) Co., Ltd.

    Address: R6006 2# Lvbao Square, Huqiu District, Suzhou City.
    Tel: +86 512 68025806
    Fax: +86 512 65516505
    Postal Code: 215011

    Nanjing Kuyud Electrical Technology Co., Ltd.

    Address:No.5,Jiangning Road,Qinhuai District,Nanjing City.
    Tel: +86 25 52663658
    Fax: +86 25 52663758
    Postal Code:210006

    Copyright:KUYUD ELECTRICAL Record number:蘇ICP備12004786號
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