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    What quota suborder should be set for the communication cable

    Author: Comefrom: Createdate:2018-6-11 15:02:00 Hits:74

    Communication cable equipment should be installed in the C.13.1.2 cable laying.

    At present, the laying quota of power cable is considered according to three core (including three core connecting ground), 5 core power cable laying quota is multiplied by coefficient 1.3, 6 core power cable multiplied by 1.6, increase the quota of one core by 30%, and so on. The laying of single core power cable is multiplied by 0.67 according to the same section cable quota. The laying of single core power cables with 400mm2 above 800mm2 to 400mm2 shall be fixed according to the quota of the power cables. The terminals of the cable heads above 240mm2 are hetero shaped terminals, which need to be processed separately and should be calculated according to the actual processing price (or adjusted the fixed price).

    That is to say that the 3 core and the 3+1 core of the quota is a sublist, no adjustment, only 4+1 core or 3+2 core cable or above the cable needs to be adjusted, that is, the 5 core cable laying quota multiplied by the coefficient.

    Kuyud Electrical (Suzhuo) Co., Ltd.

    Address: R6006 2# Lvbao Square, Huqiu District, Suzhou City.
    Tel: +86 512 68025806
    Fax: +86 512 65516505
    Postal Code: 215011

    Nanjing Kuyud Electrical Technology Co., Ltd.

    Address:No.5,Jiangning Road,Qinhuai District,Nanjing City.
    Tel: +86 25 52663658
    Fax: +86 25 52663758
    Postal Code:210006

    Copyright:KUYUD ELECTRICAL Record number:蘇ICP備12004786號(hào)
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